Friday, June 18, 2010

My Heart's Dream

Today this post will  be short, simple, and photoless.  I am leaving in a few hours for a 9 day missions trip to my son's birthcountry of Guatemala.  Since bringing him home 5 years ago it has been my heart's dream to go back and minister to and love the children who feel unloved, unwanted, and unimportant.  They are not!  I love them, many others do as well, and most importantly God loves them! 
John 4:34 says that Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work." 
I pray that God uses me to be His hands and feet and to share and show His amazing love to these beautiful, special, priceless children!!!  I can't wait to share God's great news when I return! 

Monday, June 14, 2010

God is So Good!

Today is special!  You may not know it or understand why but I do.  I feel it more and more with each passing day, each passing year.  5 years ago today, my husband and I stood in a hotel in Guatemala City, Guatemala waiting for the first "in person" gaze at our son.  The first touch of his skin on ours.  The first kiss to plant on his lips.  I still shake with emotion just thinking about it.  This is us with the his foster mother Paulina.  What a blessing she is!  God's angel to look after him until we could bring him home.  I love her. 

So much has changed since this picture.  So many sleepless nights, so many milestones, so many celebrations.  Now that he is 5 we have also experienced the "trying" 3's, 4's, and "full of attitude" 5's!  In the past 6 months or so we have experienced some difficult talks, some which we were not as prepared for as we thought.  Adoption is special .. I fully believe that!  The brutal truth is though that it can be hard and confusing for children and believe me, they "feel" more than we think they do or expect them to at this young age.  Those feelings I cannot "fix", nor do I believe I should want to.  They are his hearts emotions and although they tear me in two sometimes, he is entitled to them.  This is him now.

He has the most beautiful smile!  (Keep your daughters away!)

He is a total riot!  He says so many off-the-wall, funny things that I could probably write a book!


He is a complete ham!

I'm pretty sure most days we are raising a super hero.  He truly thinks he is THE Red Power Ranger!

He is the most amazing gift God could have ever planned for our family!

So often we want to "plan" our lives.  If this had happened in our case, we may not have been privileged to become Bennett's parents.  Each time I stop and truly think about God's plan for this child and bringing him into this world to be our son, I well up with tears.  No plan that we could have thought up or prepared for would have been as great as God's!  He is so good!  Today we celebrate God's love for our family, for His son that we have the honor of raising and loving, for Bennett's birth family and their unbelievable sacrifice and immeasurable love, for his foster family for their love and nurturing of Bennett, and for our son himself. 

Bennett Carlos Chacon Farmer, this is from your mommy.  I am more than humbled by being in your life.  There are no words to describe the amount of love I feel for you.  God so loved the world that He gave his only son ... and He so loved your dad and I that He gave us you!  For both, we are forever thankful.  You brighten my days even when you are being mischievous!  Your smile lights up a room!  Right now you don't fully understand the amount of people who truly love you but I hope to one day be able to help you feel that love.  You are a child of God.  You are part of His kingdom.  Lean on Him, live for Him, love Him.  He will forever love you, as will I! 

Friday, June 4, 2010

About to Bust!

Well, here she is.  My beautiful clematis.  When she blooms she'll be popping with color ... a deep midnight purple and a soft lavender.  Unfortunately she'll be blooming only on one side because she's gotten HUGE and the husband hasn't created a way to "lift" her up.  I keep stressing to him how important it is for a lady to be "lifted" ... if you know what I mean?!  Long story short ... he doesn't get it.  Anyways, I will post pictures once she's full of pretty little petals.  Until then, I pray she doesn't rip the old iron gate from the wall because she's about to bust!

On the homefront I have LOTS to post in the coming days!  We've had many "life" updates, wonderful outings to smile and share about, and some new uncertainties that have crossed our path.  Through it all, God continues to bless us, guide us, and give us a full and complete peace about where we are right now, today.  It feels good!