Yesterday afternoon Bennett and I took a drive in the country. There's nothing like driving through places you've never been before, windows down, singing to the music, and best of all just laughing! There is a mysterious little town, if you will, called Sugar Grove about 15 minutes from our house. It's a winding, tree speckled, creek lined road full of beautiful old farmhouses, bank barns, and at this time of year, tractors. Just being out there yesterday made me more and more ready for the country. It has been the dream of my husband and I to buy an old farmhouse, give it lots of tlc, raise our family there, and grow old there together. Anyone who knows by husband knows he has a passion for old barns, especially bank barns. Sugar Grove Rd. is filled with them! I love the wide open spaces and smells in the air. I so badly want to give Bennett room to romp around and have real animals (he has a minor obsession with stuffed ones). We finally have a contract on our house so we are trying to patiently wait for God's plan as to where we go next. He is kind of unpredictable in His timing .. though I'm not complaining! Everything He does is perfect and I know He has some run down, abandoned, nearly condemned house for us out there somewhere. I hope to dust it off, clean it up, shower it will tons of love, and present it one day ... aren't these all things He does with us sinners? I'm so thankful He sees in me what many days I do not see in myself! Just today Bennett and I were opening his bible to read about kindness and here's what he said "Momma we should also read about faithfulness." I know the look on my face read curious because I marvel at how he comes up with these things sometimes. So this evening I looked up faithfulness in my bible and this verse spoke to me.
~ Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Psalms 36:5
I need to be reminded of this more often ... so thanks Bennett! He is faithful and will lead us where He wants us, when he wants us there. Until then, I will drive through Sugar Grove marveling at His beautiful earth ... His candy coated countryside.
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