Thursday, April 29, 2010

Countdown to Country Chic?

Well it's official, our family photos are booked for mid June.  Yep, 6 weeks away and I only need to lose, oh I don't know, 50 pounds!  Okay, maybe not 50 but at least 15 by then.  I know I can do it but will I?  A wonderful photographer named Jessica Dues is going to photograph us and to say I'm excited is an understatement!  She has a new loft studio she is renting out in Arcanum for photo sessions.  Hard wood floors, exposed brick walls, antique couches and chairs .. need I say anymore?  Now I just need to shop for outfits .. oh poor me.  ;)  Now don't laugh but I would really like to wear a flowy dress or skirt / top combo with cowboy boots.  I know, I know but I think it's kind of country chic!  What about skinny jeans and high heels, or vintage jeans and cute ballet flats, or maybe we'll all just go barefoot!  Let me know what you think .. honestly friends, I need help!!!

Cute!  But me?


Much more "me" but trying to step out of the box.

Could be kinda cute - ish?


  1. You would look beautiful in anything you wear Mara! But I think you should go all out for something out of the "norm",

  2. I love the first two rows, Mara. I think the Love it is really you. I love colors!!! If done right i think the dress and boots can be very cute! Good luck shopping! I need to do the same we haven't had a fam picture done since caleb was 2m old!!! Have fun!
