Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Good Spiritual Slap

I stumbled across something today that stung my heart a bit.  I wallowed, I whined, I sassed a little ... and then the Lord does what only He can do and spiritually, yet lovingly, slapped me into reality.  I have nothing to be upset over!  I have everything to rejoice in!  In Him I am precious, unconditionally loved, forgiven and He gives me limitless possibilities.  I won't waste them on pettiness or hurt.  I'm thankful for so many things ... way too many to list.  Lately when I have trouble finding peace about certain things or how to handle lifes little annoyances I've been asking myself "what would I tell Bennett?"  Am I living the life I want him to live?  Am I handling situations with Christ 1st and self 2nd?  I am preparing a spirit of forgiveness in him; to strive daily to live in peace with everyone?  If I'm not ... shame on me!  Cultivating Christlike qualities in him is my responsibility.  And let's face it, children learn what they live.  And for this sweet face I want all God has to offer him and a true, deep love for the Lord!!! 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Lovely Afternoon

So this is a bit late but better late than never ... they say.  Sometimes I beg to differ with that statement. 

Ok, for just a minute I'm going to divert.  I am currently sitting @ my favorite coffee shop in Troy updating my blog off course and cringing as I can't help but overhear these 2 women sitting beside me.  I say can't help because they are loud.  Sorry, but the truth hurts.  They are currently talking about the disgust in being seen in The Dollar Tree, Goodwill, and second hand stores.  Really?  Am I seriously here right now?  Maybe it's me or my mood but come on people!!!  Kids across this world, adults too, or around the corner from our own houses would give life and limb for our everyday indulgences.  Nothing is too little for them .. they don't know "brand name" stores, they don't know "secondhand", they don't know "bargains".  I pray for these two right now that God will open their hearts to what breaks His.  I pray they see that avoiding places because you don't want to be seen there is, for lack of better verbage, UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!  The only place we should be worried about being seen is in front of our heavenly father if we haven't accepted Him as our all-in-all, or have turned our backs on His word.  I pray that God gives me the strength to refrain from saying the things my sinful mouth sometimes spouts out .. that instead I find encouraging, yet truthful, words of love that may open their eyes.  Oh boy ... this is a doozy of a situation!

Ok, on to a lighter topic for which I was excited about blogging about.  A few weekends ago, my beautiful friend Alison and I, took off for the afternoon.  This be her.  Isn't she cute!

There's nothing like spending time with one of your oldest and truest friends.  You know what I'm talking about.  The ones that no matter what are always there.  Whether it's been a week since you last talked or months.  It always feels comfy.  Conversation is easy, honest, uplifting, and truthful.  It just can't be beat.
Then you add antiques and flea finds nestled in a beautiful woods with inspiration all around ... wowee!

These are just a few of the fabo displays.  So much to look at .. so much to buy.  But we were good, we were.  I of course forgot to take pics of the loot but Ali came home with a beautiful framed chalkboard and some too-adorable posies for Miss Carly Noodle's flowing locks.  I came home with a 1950's chunky vintage bracelet in the most stunning shade of green you ever saw - yay!!!!
And because I want to be as cute as she is, I had to have my mug taken with the vintage truck as well.
Now, I will say that this isn't the most horrible picture of me.  However, I don't know why I chose to stand where I did ...  Wait, of course I have always wanted my picture taken in front of a porta-john .. I mean come on, haven't you???  Anywho, despite the ugly background, the day turned out to be a lovely afternoon!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Falling Back into Bad Habits

Each year we live in this cycle .. seasons come and go .. out with the old and in with the new .. and for me at least, I start out with good intentions but find myself falling back into bad habits.  Just a few short months ago I was on my knees, thousands of miles outside my comfort zone, in a dark and frighteningly chilly orphanage for children with special needs.  I was broken, angry, confused.  They were beautiful, wonderful, loving.  Their faces staring through me, or at least I thought.  After a few days I realized that they weren't staring through me but at me .. begging me to be God's hands and feet .. to do something other than weep .. to help change their situation and the future of other children in their circumstance.  I left with more determination than ever .. on a mission .. yet here I am months later having done very little.  I've thought lots and prayed lots and had lots of conversations with God telling Him "You can't mean for me to do that ... You can't mean for it to be me ... I can't Lord" and so on and so forth.  I've given myself reprive on splurging on the "little things"; being reminded lately that those gourmet coffees not only add up but each one can do so much in God's kingdom, in my son's birthcountry, and a million other places.  How can I not break these bad habits?  How can I not care?  "Well I course you care Mara!" is what I keep telling myself.  But at what cost do I care?  Do I allow my heart to break for the things that break God's heart?  Dare I go there or is it just too scary?  Well I am going there .. it is what God asks of me and though I know I'll fall short along the way .. He will pick me back up, tell me to dust myself off and keep going.  I long for the day I can return to Guatemala, or wherever He sends me, and I can bring Him to others and they can help bring me closer to Him.  Things happened there for me; things I can never describe in words.  Seeing my son's village, realizing the life he may have had to bear, the life that for some reason God spared him from, to be my child, lil' ole me .. why him, why us?  Because He loves my husband and I and because He loves Bennett and planned for him to be our child.  I can never forget that .. I can never let myself fall back into bad habits of being "comfortable" and not feeling and seeing what's around me.  Whether it be in the remote jungle villages in Guatemala or across the street.  So as this new season rolls in I pray for a renewing of my heart and mind .. to carry His cross.  To realize the petty things that bother me or happen to me are just that .. petty, pointless, a waste of emotional energy in comparison to what others are facing.  A new season is upon us .. I will be thankful for every moment, every opportunity, every calling.

I took over 400 pics in 9 days.  These are just a few beautiful faces to drive me and remind me of God's love and calling.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Enough is Enough!

Enough is enough!  You ever feel this way?  I have been grimacing this mantra for months now but not really doing much about it.  Well no more!  I am puttin' my big girl panties on, yes you all know what I'm talking about, and moving on.  Leaving petty issues and hurts behind me and looking forward seeking God's will, no one else.  Not mine nor other people who want things their way or the highway.  It's not meant to be rude, it's just true.  I'm here to live my life for my savior and in doing so He will take care of the rest!  I'm going to write more, read more, love more, learn more ... AND ... blog more!  Poor girl, she's been neglected lately.  I've got lots abrewin' and when I really boil things down, all in my life is exactly how God wants it and I'm more than content with that.  Until next time, Happy Fall!  Take joy in the bounty God has provided and in His beautiful earth this time of year!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Never the Right Words

Well I admit it .. this blog has been unfairly neglected.  So much is going on right now, way too many things to list.  Some days I truly feel like I am in the middle of a tornado ... where's my Auntie Em?  Cuz I just wanna go home!  The past 2 weeks have brought lots of changes, tears, smiles within those tears, frustration, and self reflection.  It has brought me to my knees, which is exactly where God intends for me to be right now.  Tonight ended with a reality I already knew but needed a big reminder of ... although God cares about my problems he hurts for so many more than me.  How does he handle this?  I know the hurt I feel sometimes and it is deafening.  His love spreads so wide it baffles the imagination.  Tonight my heart broke as I heard about the loss of one of His children, but at the same time I realize that this little man is in a much better place.  A place where his body moves freely, where his words are understood, where he is no longer "trapped".  On my trip to Guatemala I had the privilege of meeting Jo Jo.  A 14 year old boy barely bigger than my 5 year old son.  Jo Jo suffered from CP, dwarfism, and hydrocephalus.  Treatment was withheld from him and his suffering was painful ... yesterday his suffering ended and now he is in the hands of his loving Father.  I should feel joy that he is with Jesus but the human part of me wept tonight as my son and I prayed for Jo Jo's family and all of the other children in Guatemala, and around the world, who are dying each day.  As we prayed I said a prayer within a prayer .. "Lord, let these be the right words.  Help me explain to Bennett the need and the calling.  And Lord, please don't let him ask too much about Jo Jo's passing because I do not think I can handle explaining it to him right yet."  I feel as if I never have the right words ... in this situation and many others as of late.  Maybe this is an indication that I need to talk less and listen more.  Just a few days ago I thought about changing the name of this blog ... now I know it is not the right time. 

I am privileged to have known you Jonathan Joel Gamaro ... I can still feel the kisses I gave you on that Sunday morning .. I hope you heard my prayers .. I hope you know you matter to me and were a part of changing my life.  Thank you ... Love!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer of Emotions

Wow ~ this past 2 months have flown by and I'm still standing here with dust in my eyes!  I don't particularly like this state of affairs, but what can I really do about it?  Nothing except try to regroup, get organized as my life's about to change in a big way, and catch up on my neglected blog.  It's only 9 days until I send my baby off to the big world of Kindergarten (GULP) and in thinking about this I of course go all teary-eyed.  This summer has been emotional to say the least.  A lovely, yet too short visit with Bennett's bio sis and her new sis, Niaka, from Haiti.  A 10 day life changing, still hard to talk about, trip to Guatemala where I spent time with some of God's most precious children and unexpectedly got to travel with another missionary to see the village where my son was born.  W-O-W .. that's a post I can't yet bring myself to write but hope to soon!  For now I am just trying to dry my tears and listen for what opportunities God is handing me now that I'll have some free time on my hands.  Of course I know that "free" time will fill up quickly with soccer, and quizzing, and school events, and homework, and on and on and on however I am trying to "declutter" our life calendar so that we can focus on what's really important; serving with J.O.Y. ... Jesus, others, yourself. 
Without going into a lot of my trip I wanted to post pics of our latest visit with sis.  Yes she has a name, Alondra, but we all just call her "sis" around here.  Of course each visit is wonderful, exciting, and special!  I try to take as many pictures as humanly possible until the kiddos start hollering at me to stop.  I don't know how long these visits will last, as we will leave it up to them when they are older, but I know as long as I have any say they'll always be a part of each other's lives.  But we never know what tomorrow holds so I try to capture as much as I can.  As special as the pictures were before, they became even more special to me after coming home from Guatemala.  Driving through Bennett's village, a deep reality (one that I thought I already knew) hit me .. it is a true gift that God has given our family in knowing his sister and being able to spend time with her.  Yes he is my son but he does have a past, a story, a birth family, a line and these are things I never want to keep quiet or keep from him.  He has a sister and he loves her with all of his heart, and she him.  I realize even more how important it is that I keep him part of that story .. you wouldn't start a book at chapter 2.  You would miss too much and the rest of the story wouldn't make as much sense.  She is part of his chapter 1; a chapter that is riveting, full of love and laughter, a bit confusing and tearful at times, but worth every word, every line, every minute!  I love her as much as I do him .. She is my son's sister, how can I not love her completely? It's impossible.  For some that might sound confusing or "unfair" to Bennett but I believe that us loving her as we do him is comforting to Bennett.  It shows him that we love every part of him.  Someone asked me after telling them of my adventure to see Bennett's village, "Why would you want to see that?"  Why wouldn't I?  It's another connection I have towards him and his birth family.  My question is "Who wouldn't want to see where their child first entered the world?"  God gave me a once in a lifetime opportunity and as scared as I was it was important for me to go.  I still have a hard time talking about it face to face with people but it has also helped "ready" me for the days to come.  Knowing that God would have protected him there and He will protect him here just the same. 
Until our next visit with sis, I pray protection over my children.  I pray God gives them opportunities to SHINE (Share His Incredible News Everywhere), to love, to serve, and to connect even deeper with each other.  I pray that Bennett grows closer with Niaka ... which is a relationship he is still a bit confused about and rightly so; "Sis is my sister and Niaka is her sister but Niaka isn't my sister?  Huh?"  Exactly! 
Lord, help us explain that one when the time is right but for now just let them be kids and love one another without boundaries of color, or whose parents are whose, or where so-and-so was born, or distance between them.  Just let them keep smiling - because that makes my heart smile!

Honestly, these 2 faces just make my heart dance!

Just a regular brother and sister pickin' on each other.  Though usually it's sis, he's just goes along for the ride, happy as a lark!

The 3 most beautiful kids I know - I'm so lucky to have one call me "momma" and the others be in my life! 
Bennett Carlos, Niaka, & Alondra

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ok, well it's been over a month since my last post.  I have been wanting to upload pics from my ministry trip to Guatemala and share how God has changed my heart ever since I returned.  Of course life has gotten in the way and now that I have sat down to start blogging away, I have some error message floating around on my blog and my beautiful side border is gone!!!  WHY???  Can anyone out there help me???  Honestly, this is going to eat at me if I don't get it fixed.  Please leave comments if you are a blogger out there who knows how to fix this. 

Until then ~ take care!

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Heart's Dream

Today this post will  be short, simple, and photoless.  I am leaving in a few hours for a 9 day missions trip to my son's birthcountry of Guatemala.  Since bringing him home 5 years ago it has been my heart's dream to go back and minister to and love the children who feel unloved, unwanted, and unimportant.  They are not!  I love them, many others do as well, and most importantly God loves them! 
John 4:34 says that Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work." 
I pray that God uses me to be His hands and feet and to share and show His amazing love to these beautiful, special, priceless children!!!  I can't wait to share God's great news when I return! 

Monday, June 14, 2010

God is So Good!

Today is special!  You may not know it or understand why but I do.  I feel it more and more with each passing day, each passing year.  5 years ago today, my husband and I stood in a hotel in Guatemala City, Guatemala waiting for the first "in person" gaze at our son.  The first touch of his skin on ours.  The first kiss to plant on his lips.  I still shake with emotion just thinking about it.  This is us with the his foster mother Paulina.  What a blessing she is!  God's angel to look after him until we could bring him home.  I love her. 

So much has changed since this picture.  So many sleepless nights, so many milestones, so many celebrations.  Now that he is 5 we have also experienced the "trying" 3's, 4's, and "full of attitude" 5's!  In the past 6 months or so we have experienced some difficult talks, some which we were not as prepared for as we thought.  Adoption is special .. I fully believe that!  The brutal truth is though that it can be hard and confusing for children and believe me, they "feel" more than we think they do or expect them to at this young age.  Those feelings I cannot "fix", nor do I believe I should want to.  They are his hearts emotions and although they tear me in two sometimes, he is entitled to them.  This is him now.

He has the most beautiful smile!  (Keep your daughters away!)

He is a total riot!  He says so many off-the-wall, funny things that I could probably write a book!


He is a complete ham!

I'm pretty sure most days we are raising a super hero.  He truly thinks he is THE Red Power Ranger!

He is the most amazing gift God could have ever planned for our family!

So often we want to "plan" our lives.  If this had happened in our case, we may not have been privileged to become Bennett's parents.  Each time I stop and truly think about God's plan for this child and bringing him into this world to be our son, I well up with tears.  No plan that we could have thought up or prepared for would have been as great as God's!  He is so good!  Today we celebrate God's love for our family, for His son that we have the honor of raising and loving, for Bennett's birth family and their unbelievable sacrifice and immeasurable love, for his foster family for their love and nurturing of Bennett, and for our son himself. 

Bennett Carlos Chacon Farmer, this is from your mommy.  I am more than humbled by being in your life.  There are no words to describe the amount of love I feel for you.  God so loved the world that He gave his only son ... and He so loved your dad and I that He gave us you!  For both, we are forever thankful.  You brighten my days even when you are being mischievous!  Your smile lights up a room!  Right now you don't fully understand the amount of people who truly love you but I hope to one day be able to help you feel that love.  You are a child of God.  You are part of His kingdom.  Lean on Him, live for Him, love Him.  He will forever love you, as will I! 

Friday, June 4, 2010

About to Bust!

Well, here she is.  My beautiful clematis.  When she blooms she'll be popping with color ... a deep midnight purple and a soft lavender.  Unfortunately she'll be blooming only on one side because she's gotten HUGE and the husband hasn't created a way to "lift" her up.  I keep stressing to him how important it is for a lady to be "lifted" ... if you know what I mean?!  Long story short ... he doesn't get it.  Anyways, I will post pictures once she's full of pretty little petals.  Until then, I pray she doesn't rip the old iron gate from the wall because she's about to bust!

On the homefront I have LOTS to post in the coming days!  We've had many "life" updates, wonderful outings to smile and share about, and some new uncertainties that have crossed our path.  Through it all, God continues to bless us, guide us, and give us a full and complete peace about where we are right now, today.  It feels good! 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Happy Camper!

Well today I was one happy lil' camper!  Bennett and I hopped in the car with Gammaw Carlos and headed over to Tipp City, in a severe thunderstorm with hail I might add, to check out a new "vintage - antique" store called A Royal Nest.  I picked up a couple of great things for super, unbelievable, cheap prices!!!!  It's great to find something you instantly fall in love with and it's icing on the cake when you don't have to sell an appendage to take those pretties home.  After stopping at A Royal Nest we started driving home and spotted another antique goody shop in what used to be Second Street Deli.  And oh boy!!!  In the past 2 days for less than $100 I have scored the following:  a gorgeous gray-blue dove tail box from Smith's Antiques, a sweet as can be little white bird, a vintage clock, a glass vase that I planted Baby's Tears in, a chippy old white cornace that I'm going to use for a shelf, and an old white painted basket that as of right now doesn't have a purpose, but don't worry, I'll put 'er to work.  On top of all of this, Cory is taking that ugly duckling chair into Vintage Scout Interiors tomorrow.  I went down a couple of days ago, walked in and saw this distressed wood table painted a gray-blue and said "That's what color I'm talking about!"  Then Jean took me upstairs to the hundreds, literally, of upholstery books she had, opened the first book and BAM ... there is was!  A smoky blue, bold, big floral print that screams modern country to me.  So hopefully I can contain myself and not miss her to much while she's gone getting her makeover. 
As for what the weekend will hold, I am looking forward to having the hubby home for 3 days!  We are also super excited that Saturday we get to spend the entire day with Bennett's biological sister, her adoptive mom, and her newly adopted sister from Haiti!!!  This is Bennett's first time meeting his sister's sister, complicated I know, but he is sooooo happy about getting to love on the both of them.  He quite enjoys being the over protective, younger but bigger, brother.  As for us parents, we are just so thankful that God has allowed us to live only 3 hours apart so that the kids bond can flourish and deepen.  We wish we could be together all of the time however we will enjoy every minute of each visit.

I absolutely love this vignette under our kitchen cabinets!  I could stare at it all day!  And let me add that I have never loved a wooden box like I do this one.  She's simply beautiful.  

I've been looking for a clock like this forever.  Good things come to those who wait ... scored this for $7!

Oh how I love Baby Tears!

The gorgeous Thomas Paul fabric for my ugly ducking chair.  The picture doesn't do the smokey blue color justice. 

The white basket for which I have no use for as of yet and the old, white, chippy cornace that I'm going to use as a shelf in my kitchen.  I heart them as well!

Monday, May 24, 2010


So as I usually do this time of year, I had my annual Old Fashion Days Garage Sale. And boy am I tired!!!! However after raking in over $800 for myself, my momma, and my mil I got a quick break and headed over to Pyles Flower and Plant Sale sponsored each year by a high school friend, Candy Pyles. Among the tons of well, flowers and plants, she also has unique planters, old doors, salvaged windows, and vintage furniture. I picked up this ugly duckling for $8.00! I am sending her off to Vintage Scout Interiors in Centerville where they are going to paint her and give her a new upholstery job. Can't wait to see what ideas they come up with. I am thinking a gray-blue for the wood and some vintage, mod, modern country fabric for the seat. I'll post pics once this ugly duckling transforms into a beautiful swan.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good Deals = Delighted!

So over the past couple of weeks I've scored a few oh-so-wonderful (at least I think) peices!  I literally got such great deals I wanted to shout it from the rooftops!!!  I love stumbling upon things and bringing them home to see the look on my husbands face ... which strangely enough isn't always as excited as mine.  I don't think it's because he "dislikes" the things I've drug home.  He just knows he's going to hear "Honey could you ...?"  Also because we are busting out of the walls here in our current home there isn't much extra storage space for my "we'll use it in the farmhouse" finds.  Either way, I bring these looked over treasures home every chance I get.  He appeases me and crams them in different nooks here and there about the garage, attic, and sometimes even in the back of his truck.  Bless his heart.  I tell him that he married me and my addicitions.

So here they are!  The cast iron sink is a real beaut ... missing faucet and all!  I am currently looking for a company that will re-enamel it for me and then I'll get new hardware.  Eventually I would love to see this in a mudroom or guest bathroom with a lovely fabric skirt underneath.  Something Amy Butler-esque.  The scale I stumbled upon at a "moving sale" in Phillipsburg as my mom and I were driving home from our Mother's Day dinner out.  The lady said "$5" and I broke out in a sweat!!  This weekend Bennett and I went to the Springfield Antique Market Extravaganza and I eyed some of these babies ranging from $35-$90.  One that was white and had the same name on it as mine was marked $90 ... I mean how lucky am I????  Last but definently not least is my new-vintage 1930's mailbox.  The lady at the flea market said it would be cute all painted up but I kind of like the petina it has now.  I am revamping my porch and this is exactly what I was looking for. 

Needless to say I'm pretty happy about my new finds.  It's the simple things.  I'll tell ya ... good deals make me delighted!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rainy Days are A - O - K!

So today was all of the above; cold, dreary, and rainy.  It was the kind of day that a nap is the first thing you think about the second your feet hit the floor from waking up.  It was a stay in your pj's, wrap yourself in a blanket, veg out kind of day.  For us it was also a fun filled day at, as my friend's son calls it, "The King Burger"!  After picking up Bennett from preschool, along with his best girl Miss Mollie, we grabbed our umbrellas and trucked it on up to Burger King where we met up with my friend Lyndie and her little Guatemalan beauty, Yosi.  The kids ate, played, bickered as kids do, then hugged and were sad about going home.  Ah, to be a kid again!  It was so fun just watching them interact even though every 10 minutes Bennett was telling on someone for something.  I see some kind of "patrol" in his future although he keeps telling his preschool teacher that he wants to be the red Power Ranger when he grows up!  You go son!!!  I'm proud of you no matter what!
I love getting to do playdates and I especially love when Bennett gets the chance to connect and bond with other adopted children no matter where they are from.  However I will say, and I may be biased, but Yosi and Bennett are 2 of the cutest Guatemalan lovelies I've ever seen!! 

This rainy day turned out to be A -O - K!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"I Keep on Loving You"

"Love is ..."

This past weekend my husband and I were blessed with a short but wonderful getaway!  We will be celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary this Friday and let's face it, nowdays 11 years is a lot!!!  We are lucky to have parents who are still together after 30 plus years of marriage.  I am realizing that this is rare which makes me appreciate what we have even more.  I pray that God gives us 50 more years of wedded bliss, at least!!!  This is not to say that things have always been "easy" because after losing a child to miscarriage, 4 years of infertility, the roller coaster that is adoption, and just "life" in general, we've had our fair share of less than blissful days.  But our new promise to each other .. "I keep on loving you"! 

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says:
Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I hope that we can always remember these things .. even when it's hard.  Just walking hand in hand this weekend and stealing secret looks at each other reminded me of the kids we used to be when we started dating at 15.  Needless to say, we aren't those same kids anymore but who we are is exactly who God intended us to be!  I thank him everyday for sending me the God fearing, Christ loving, hard working, best friend, best father for our children, man that He did!  A man who would give you the shirt off his back, is determined to succeed in all he does, who opened his heart to the idea of adoption when some husbands wouldn't, who fell head over heels in love with our son the minute his toes popped up on the computer screen referal picture, who loves me when I don't love myself, and who prays with our son each night and shows him that a true man can have a tender spirit.  And now that I'm done being sappy, I will add that on top of all of this, he loves antiquing with me and finding great vintage things for our dream farmhouse!  Why would I ask for more?

So here are a few of our favorite things from our weekend getaway to Columbus, Ohio.  We visited Short North and The German Village.  I fell in love with them both equally but for different reasons.   

A great little shop called SoBo Style!  I scored those vintage chairs on the right as my anniversary gift.  They rock!!!  Literally they rock!

More SoBo Style
I abso love that chandelier!  Some would say I have an obsession? 

Check out that pie safe ... I loved it!!!

Love this shutter idea and all of the mercury glass trinkets were beautiful!  I'm laughing because Cory thought I was crazy for trying to get a picture of myself in the mirror.  Maybe I was?

This was taken at a shop called "Collier West".  I would nearly give an arm for that chandelier and antique plate rack.  Everything there was stunning!!! 

"Loot" was another amazing place!  I am really loving the pheasant and peacock decor!

The German Village was filled with beautifully landscaped homes on cobblestone streets.

They also love their wrought iron there ...

... and more antiques!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Can someone stop me?

Ok, so I'm back from my pre-annivesary weekend trip w/ my husband (pictures to be posted later) and I've decided to try a 14 day ... wait for it ... herbal "detox" program.  And by "detox" program I mean, let's just say that's all I'm gonna say!  So I'm looking for any advice, suggestions, warnings, or not-too-descriptive testimonials that someone can give me.  All I know right now is that 12 vitamins in the morning and 12 more at night are not easy to swallow and putting them in your yogurt tastes DISGUSTING!  I am hoping to feel less sluggish and free my body of the "toxins" everyone says we store.  I almost wonder if just fasting w/ water only could do the same thing???  Too late now I guess unless someone can stop me!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Countdown to Country Chic?

Well it's official, our family photos are booked for mid June.  Yep, 6 weeks away and I only need to lose, oh I don't know, 50 pounds!  Okay, maybe not 50 but at least 15 by then.  I know I can do it but will I?  A wonderful photographer named Jessica Dues is going to photograph us and to say I'm excited is an understatement!  She has a new loft studio she is renting out in Arcanum for photo sessions.  Hard wood floors, exposed brick walls, antique couches and chairs .. need I say anymore?  Now I just need to shop for outfits .. oh poor me.  ;)  Now don't laugh but I would really like to wear a flowy dress or skirt / top combo with cowboy boots.  I know, I know but I think it's kind of country chic!  What about skinny jeans and high heels, or vintage jeans and cute ballet flats, or maybe we'll all just go barefoot!  Let me know what you think .. honestly friends, I need help!!!

Cute!  But me?


Much more "me" but trying to step out of the box.

Could be kinda cute - ish?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just Beautiful

I love days like today!  I woke up with a horrible sinus / allergy headache, which is the norm lately, but decided that I was going to try and make the best of the beauty in the day.  So Bennett and I ran a few errands, went to Jim's Root Beer stand for lunch, picked up Gammaw Carlos and headed out to one of our favorite places to buy spring flowers, Miller's.  My eyes were a bit overwhelmed but in the best possible way!  We planted sweet pea vines and gorgeous red-orange marigolds.  Marigolds sometimes get overlooked but plant them in front of something purple, like lavendar or salvia, and boy do they shine!  I dug this old green metal picnic type box out of the garage and went to town; tangerine geranium, peach orchard verbena, variegated ivy, and light purple nemesia.  I nestled in a stone dove from The Little Shops in Verona and voila!!!! I had a little extra verbena left as well as one ivy plant so I put those babies in a milk glass vase and out on the back patio they sit, looking quite pretty if I do say so myself.  Point is, the day started a little rough but ended just beautifully!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Prayer Changes Things

Just yesterday at church the kids learned this ... "Prayer changes things".  Bennett had a rough evening last night and so we talked about this very thing.  Today I became aware of a mother my age who went missing at an outdoor mall that I frequent this past Saturday.  Her name is Tiffany Tehan ... and she and her family need our prayers!  Tomorrow a search party is going to be organized.  Please pray about getting out to help and if you can't, please just pray ... because PRAY CHANGES THINGS!!!! 

But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more.  Psalm 71:14

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Candy Coated Countryside

Yesterday afternoon Bennett and I took a drive in the country.  There's nothing like driving through places you've never been before, windows down, singing to the music, and best of all just laughing!  There is a mysterious little town, if you will, called Sugar Grove about 15 minutes from our house.  It's a winding, tree speckled, creek lined road full of beautiful old farmhouses, bank barns, and at this time of year, tractors.  Just being out there yesterday made me more and more ready for the country.  It has been the dream of my husband and I to buy an old farmhouse, give it lots of tlc, raise our family there, and grow old there together.  Anyone who knows by husband knows he has a passion for old barns, especially bank barns.  Sugar Grove Rd. is filled with them!  I love the wide open spaces and smells in the air.  I so badly want to give Bennett room to romp around and have real animals (he has a minor obsession with stuffed ones).  We finally have a contract on our house so we are trying to patiently wait for God's plan as to where we go next.  He is kind of unpredictable in His timing .. though I'm not complaining!  Everything He does is perfect and I know He has some run down, abandoned, nearly condemned house for us out there somewhere.  I hope to dust it off, clean it up, shower it will tons of love, and present it one day ... aren't these all things He does with us sinners?  I'm so thankful He sees in me what many days I do not see in myself!  Just today Bennett and I were opening his bible to read about kindness and here's what he said "Momma we should also read about faithfulness."  I know the look on my face read curious because I marvel at how he comes up with these things sometimes.  So this evening I looked up faithfulness in my bible and this verse spoke to me. 

~ Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.  Psalms 36:5

I need to be reminded of this more often ... so thanks Bennett!  He is faithful and will lead us where He wants us, when he wants us there.  Until then, I will drive through Sugar Grove marveling at His beautiful earth ... His candy coated countryside.